Monday Beatitute 3- Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. This week we learned about Meekness- to be gentle, kind, enduring injury with patience and without resentment, mild, not violent, to be humble. To be meek means to stop putting ourselves before others; to stop demanding our way, it means that we accept bad situations and make the best of them. God promises us "the earth." This is total appreciation for your life here on earth: your health, friends, family, fresh air and sunshine, etc. You see, when we begin to take our eyes off of ourselves, we start enjoying the beauty and the bounty of the earthg around us. That's when we get the most out of life. And, we look forward to being with Jesus in the life to come. This is a great lesson for all of us, living in a me world. After Bible Study we had the older kids look around the neighborhood to see how they could help or be kind to. Dez took the mailman some cold water and told a neighbor that their car lights were on. Savanah and Cortesia took a neighbor some flowers and explained our Bible Study to them. James walked across the street and talked to a man for awhile. He was scared to death, but did and then before he was off the porch he started screaming and waving his arms, I did it, I did it!!!! It was priceless. We are praying the kids become more aware of people around them who are lonely, hurting or need of a helping hand.
For our chore time we got Kemonterious' bedroom ready for him. The boys and Jodene put his bed together and the girls did some cleaning and sorting, to make his room beautiful for him. Kemonterious moved to Mississippi in February and will be living with me the rest of the summer. He has been really good about calling and keeping up with Obasi. Chaney came over and made fruit and honey tortilla's with the kids. The younger kids had fun cutting up the fruit and serving snack to the older kids.
Wednesday- Morissa is in Mexico and Jodene works her regular job on Wednesdays so Mrs. B ( Jan Bretz) came to our rescue and helped me out at Obasi. We went downtown to the Foundation Gardens to watch the YWCA youth dancers dance. Kaedyn did a bit of his own dancing and kept us all entertained.
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