This week went by rather fast, we had a smaller group with kids visiting their Dads and three kids at Bright Lights.
This week's Bible Study was harder to get for the kids. I discovered that the kids look at the armor as a gift from God, but don't really understand that gift needs to be used. They look at it as protection from hurt, evil and Satan, but don't really understand that each piece of armor comes with an responsibility and an action. For instance God is truth and gives us the Belt of truth to keep us from falling for Satan's lies. In turn we are to be reading the word to know truth and we are to be truthful.
Righteousness is a little harder to explain-It is having a right relationship with God, doing the right thing and being without sin. Since we do sin, once we become a believer we are covered by Jesus' righteousness. The kids understand that God protects their heart with the breastplate of righteousness. But we went over righteousness a million different ways and the importance of being right with God, doing right by God and doing the right thing.
But basically I think that as usual I learned more than the kids.
It is hard to believe that summer is a third over. It is going so fast and already we have a life time of memories. Kaedyn works on drawing a picture of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, so that we can have righteousness through Christ.
James and Adriyanna read and explain a scripture that talks about Abraham and his faith.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Third Week of Summer-BreastPlates of Righteousness
Posted by Obasi Ministry at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Miss Brenda Writings
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Lucky Seven Race
The race was a great experience for all of us. We learned a lot.
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Miss Brenda 3 favorite moments:
Moment One- On Friday night the kids came over for a slumber party so that I could get them to bed and up early for our race. That night we did some sprints. I had seven kids racing and was having them split into groups of 2 to sprint. That left Teijah without a partner and she was looking rather sad. Adriyanna her 6 year old sister looked at her and said, It's ok Teijah, God is running beside you! It just came out of the blue, a wonderful little gem of innocence, beauty and truth.
Moment two- On the way to the race I had four kids in my car and I was telling them that I didn't know what the course looked like and that there may be a hill in the course, (they all gasped), but don't let it worry you or psych you out, because all the other kids are going to think oh no and get tired and slow down on the hill, don't tell yourself you can't do it or it is too hard, this is where you can beat the other kids and when you get to the top of the hill you will get to run down hill and get some new energy. James starts to panic and ask questions about hills. Then Teijah pops in, Miss Brenda may I give an example. I said sure, go for it.
She says, Well I think the mountain is like hard things in our life and the voice telling us to quit is Satan cause he doesn't want us to win. Is that right Miss Brenda- I almost fell out of the car, every Mom, Dad, mentor, teacher, pastor prays for a moment like this when the things you have been teaching your kids finally hits them and they get it. I said that is right Teijah, and God wants us to keep going through the hard stuff and get to the top of the hill so we can see over the other side and enjoy the down hill and the better times with Him. But we miss out if we don't climb the hill.
Moment three- James has no confidence, it has taken months to get him to run, and just in the last week he has started to believe in himself and train hard, his times are coming down. I told him to start out the race slow, he was so sure he was going to win the race. I told him to stay behind Alexis because she knows how to pace the race. Sure enough the gun goes off and James takes off like a rocket, with the boys taking off after him ( the were supposed to stay close to him). I am yelling you are going to fast you are going to fast. But away they went. At the end of the race James ended up totally pooped and did come in Fifth, but he really wanted a big Medal like Alexis and Jevon's for finishing 2nd and 3rd. So on the way home I asked him what he had learned from the race. He said start out slower and tie your shoes tight! I looked at him funny and said tie your shoes tight? He said yeah I was running and my shoe went flying off my foot and rolled down a hill, so I had to run down the hill get my shoe, put it on and get back in the race. We all had a good laugh over that. There were no hills in the race for the other kids, but James did get his hill and he didn't quit.
I was really proud of all our kids they were good sports and finished the race as hard as they could.
Posted by Obasi Ministry at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Miss Brenda Writings
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Week 2, Belt of Truth
On Monday I started Farm Camp. I love it. I saw kittens, they scratched. Cat's play. We made ice cream and butter. We made strawberry pie at Bright Lights. We also saw miniture horses, we even saw sheep we went to a dairy farm and saw cows.
At Obasi We did arts and crafts and if we had a good attitude we got to listen to music. We did a pants game and I almost beat the blue team. It was awesome.
During Bible Study, we acted out the story and i was the angel. I learned that the word of God is the TRUTH, and God doesn't lie to me.
Friday-Bright Lights Programs
Below the faces of Concentration-it is a beautiful thing!
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Wacky Wednesday.
Today was good. We found some songs on the utube to go along with our summer theme. The kids were really into it and begging to sing the songs. So that was really fun. We started belts of truth, finished some worksheets, and practiced our 1 mile race. I am so proud of James and Kaedyn. Both of these boys have been slow getting into the running mode. When James and Kaedyn started running they both were over 15 minutes. We would try to explain to them it would get easier if kept trying. James doesn't always believe he can do something when it gets hard, so we have to do a lot of encouraging to keep him going. On Tuesday James got his time down to an 8:15 and Kaedyn down to a 8:35. Kaedyn is only 6 and all of a sudden this week he has become so focused when he runs. I told them that soon they would be down to a 7:30. James looked at me and said nope that is too hard. I said but look you are said you would never run a 8:30 and now you are running an 8:15. He said, yeah but that is because I worked hard, I will never do it. Today it was hot, but they were positive and they ran like the wind. They came in with a 7:54. It was so amazing to see them do something they don't think they can do. I want so bad for them to see that in other areas of their lives too.
Later when I was taking kids home, we witnessed a little girl getting hit by a truck. It was pretty tramatic experience, we don't know what happened to the little girl but it looked pretty bad. It was great reminder of how precious life can be. It was a time to teach the kids to pray and take things a little more serious.
It was a hard day with the teenagers today, a lot of bickering and bad attitudes. Later in the day I was reminded that when God wants to really teach us something He walks us through trials. So when we got back from our fieldtrip, we a time to think and then write on the blackboard a lie we were believing that caused us to stumble during the day. Even the teens had a moment of reflection and humbling, so I pray that they make better decisions in the future.
The younger kids had so much fun playing the Lincoln Synphony Instruments at the South Branch Library.
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Monday, Monday
AS Mondays go this was a pretty sweet Monday, actually truth be told, that being our theme and all this week, it was a sweet day no matter what day it was. Haven't had one of these in a very long time. Don't get me wrong it wasn't perfect. But every one was trying to get along, trying to do their best, trying to get the lesson. Instead of being trying, THEY WERE TRYING. Does my heart good.
Kaedyn with his Bright Lights teacher, he is taking a Dr. Seuss class.
This week the four younger kids are at Bright Lights. Early mornings for me. Jevon is taking a outer space class and Adriyanna and Julian are taking Farm School. When I picked them up at noon, they all were so excited to tell me about their morning. Adriyanna announced that tomorrow they were going to take wood shavings off of sheep and then put them on a picture. I had to think about that one for a minute, but thankfully I have had others to go to farm school and I have been raised around sheep. I figured out that they were shearing sheep and that they were going to take some of the wool and put on their sheep pictures. Therefore Wood (wool)shavings!!!! She kills me. She tries so hard to learn new things and share them with us, her new words get confused with some of her old words, but she is one smart cookie and puts things together pretty fast.
My week-by Cortesia
James who is trying really hard to work on his listening skills this summer, jumps up in the middle of the lesson and is so excited, I got it, I got it! Sin weighs us down and God helps us with truth. He was so proud.
God is Truth
In order to know what a lie is you have to know truth, so read God's word and He will show you the truth and the right thing to do!
The belt of truth holds everything together. Without truth you have nothing.
Posted by Obasi Ministry at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Group writings
Saturday, June 13, 2009
1st Week of Summer/ Stand Firm
Wednesday at Kathy's
To the delight of the kids, the neighbor dog, Stella joined us for snack.
My Week, by James
This week I got to go to the Children's Museum, I got to go in the semi and Casey took a picture of me. I got to go to basketball camp and had lots of fun. I learned that Elisha knew God was on his side and he wasn't worried. We went to Kathy's house. I played xbox 360 with Chad and Kaedyn it was lot's of fun. We went to the zoo, I never knew some kind of bird slept on one foot. I saw camels and some peacocks. I learned how to mind my own business a little bit. I know God will always be on my side. God can help me so I know He will protect me from Satan and bad people.
Thursday at Mrs. B's House
My Week, by Teijah
Posted by Obasi Ministry at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Group writings