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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 2, Belt of Truth

Putting on the Belts of Truth

Friday Night- Slumber Party- We had a little slumber party for the kids who were going to run early Saturday morning. Did some sprints, watched a movie and had some healthy food.

My week-by Julian

On Monday I started Farm Camp. I love it. I saw kittens, they scratched. Cat's play. We made ice cream and butter. We made strawberry pie at Bright Lights. We also saw miniture horses, we even saw sheep we went to a dairy farm and saw cows.

At Obasi We did arts and crafts and if we had a good attitude we got to listen to music. We did a pants game and I almost beat the blue team. It was awesome.

During Bible Study, we acted out the story and i was the angel. I learned that the word of God is the TRUTH, and God doesn't lie to me.

Friday-Bright Lights Programs

Kaedyn and his Dr. Seuss Class

Mom and Kaedyn

Kaedyn in his hat he made in class

Jevon shows me his space projects

Jevon and one of his teachers

Adriyanna at Farm School
My Week- by Adriyanna

At Farm camp I held a cat, petted and rode a horse. I played with the kitties. I petted a sheep. The big cat didn't do anything but play. Me and Julian went to play with the cats and I read a book and we got to eat ice cream. My friend got hurt and I said are you ok. and she said yes and went oh. I got scratched and I helped my friend by telling the teacher she was hurt.

At Obasi we went to the library, I played instruments like the violin and saxaphone. I also played on the computer, the computer games were Clifford and Arthur. In Bible Study this week I learned that God protects me with the belt of truth.

Adriyanna would have been happy holding kitties all week.

Adriyanna at the Dairy Farm

Future Bull rider

Thursday- Making Belts of Truth and Trago Park
Below the faces of Concentration-it is a beautiful thing!
Cortesia and Alexis




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Wacky Wednesday.
Today was good. We found some songs on the utube to go along with our summer theme. The kids were really into it and begging to sing the songs. So that was really fun. We started belts of truth, finished some worksheets, and practiced our 1 mile race. I am so proud of James and Kaedyn. Both of these boys have been slow getting into the running mode. When James and Kaedyn started running they both were over 15 minutes. We would try to explain to them it would get easier if kept trying. James doesn't always believe he can do something when it gets hard, so we have to do a lot of encouraging to keep him going. On Tuesday James got his time down to an 8:15 and Kaedyn down to a 8:35. Kaedyn is only 6 and all of a sudden this week he has become so focused when he runs. I told them that soon they would be down to a 7:30. James looked at me and said nope that is too hard. I said but look you are said you would never run a 8:30 and now you are running an 8:15. He said, yeah but that is because I worked hard, I will never do it. Today it was hot, but they were positive and they ran like the wind. They came in with a 7:54. It was so amazing to see them do something they don't think they can do. I want so bad for them to see that in other areas of their lives too.

Later when I was taking kids home, we witnessed a little girl getting hit by a truck. It was pretty tramatic experience, we don't know what happened to the little girl but it looked pretty bad. It was great reminder of how precious life can be. It was a time to teach the kids to pray and take things a little more serious.

Adriyanna and Julian getting on the bus for Farm Camp at Bright Lights.

Wacky Wednesday for Kaedyn at Dr. Seuss Class

Adriyanna runs fast in our big pants verse relay!!

Cortesia's team tries to put our week's verse together.

It was a hard day with the teenagers today, a lot of bickering and bad attitudes. Later in the day I was reminded that when God wants to really teach us something He walks us through trials. So when we got back from our fieldtrip, we a time to think and then write on the blackboard a lie we were believing that caused us to stumble during the day. Even the teens had a moment of reflection and humbling, so I pray that they make better decisions in the future.
The younger kids had so much fun playing the Lincoln Synphony Instruments at the South Branch Library.

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Monday, Monday
AS Mondays go this was a pretty sweet Monday, actually truth be told, that being our theme and all this week, it was a sweet day no matter what day it was. Haven't had one of these in a very long time. Don't get me wrong it wasn't perfect. But every one was trying to get along, trying to do their best, trying to get the lesson. Instead of being trying, THEY WERE TRYING. Does my heart good.

Kaedyn with his Bright Lights teacher, he is taking a Dr. Seuss class.

This week the four younger kids are at Bright Lights. Early mornings for me. Jevon is taking a outer space class and Adriyanna and Julian are taking Farm School. When I picked them up at noon, they all were so excited to tell me about their morning. Adriyanna announced that tomorrow they were going to take wood shavings off of sheep and then put them on a picture. I had to think about that one for a minute, but thankfully I have had others to go to farm school and I have been raised around sheep. I figured out that they were shearing sheep and that they were going to take some of the wool and put on their sheep pictures. Therefore Wood (wool)shavings!!!! She kills me. She tries so hard to learn new things and share them with us, her new words get confused with some of her old words, but she is one smart cookie and puts things together pretty fast.

Today the kids wrote down lies that the world and Satan try to tell us to get us to do the wrong thing. Then we taped them to Alexis over sized pants that were being held up with the belt of truth or God's word. Alexis kept reminding us of how heavy all that sin was getting.

boys team looking up verses

Another sweet moment, Cortesia was very tender and helpful with Adriyanna and Taj, helping them find and read a verse.
My week-by Cortesia

On Monday we did Bible Study, we took pants put them on Alexis and wrote lies down on pieces of paper. and stuck them on to Alexis' pants it was very fun. What I learned from that game was that when you have a lie you have a lot of weight on you and you don't feel good. Like we are reading Pilgrims Progress, there's a man with a burden on his back and a book in his hand. He was exhausted with the burden on his back.

Tuesday we went to the library and played instruments. When I was their I learned that when you don't feel good you can still try your best. Wednesday we made belts of truth. It's a beautiful project. We also played a game wheer we had to put these pants on, very big pants and run down the driveway and grab a word to the verse we are learning. Then we put all the words together to make our verse.

After we wrote down lies we looked up scripture to find truth and then we took the papers off the pants that the Bible proved were lies.

James who is trying really hard to work on his listening skills this summer, jumps up in the middle of the lesson and is so excited, I got it, I got it! Sin weighs us down and God helps us with truth. He was so proud.

Points for the day.
God is Truth
In order to know what a lie is you have to know truth, so read God's word and He will show you the truth and the right thing to do!
The belt of truth holds everything together. Without truth you have nothing.

My week-by Teijah

This week I learned about the belt of truth, it is part of the armor of God. And we stuck lies on my sister's pants. On Tuesday we went to the library. the bad part about it was I had a bad attitude but when we got back to Miss Brenda's I realized that I was really stupid to believe in Satan's lies. On Wednesday we arts and crafts with musi in between it was really fun and learned this son called I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N, it is a good song.