Savanah shows off our first crop of tomatoes.
Our faith hero this week was Abraham. There is so much to cover in just a couple of days. Our memory verse was Proverbs 3:5 and 6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all you do acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. Abraham’s life showed us many lessons. To trust God in everything even when it’s giving up your own son. Abraham made mistakes but He always turned back to God and God continued to use him. We had already studied sacrifice a couple of weeks ago with Cain so the kids remembered how hard it would have been to give our dog Hailey on the alter, putting up a loved one seemed even more impossible. Our kids move a lot so thinking about Abraham moving wouldn’t have been that big of deal, to drive that home they were given a note saying to back up snack for a day, grab the awning, the animals and Bible study materials, get everything because Obasi was moving to a new land and they couldn’t come back. That they had an hour to get there stuff, walk to the park and put up the awning. It wasn’t a very long walk but everyone had a huge amount to carry and at the time they didn’t know who Abraham really was or what this had to do with God. Putting up the awning proved to be the toughest part, at one time the legs looked spider legs sticking out every which way. After an hour we gave them some hints on how to put up the awning. It was a relief to have it up, tempers were starting to get a little short. Then we told the story of Abraham and all the ways he trusted God. Then the kids learned about Abraham’s big moves and we realized our day wasn’t as hard as we thought. We then challenged the kids with questions like, Could you give up a gift, talent, or person for God?, What are you keeping for yourself that you should be giving God? Do you trust Him enough to go anywhere for Him?
Then we talked about the fact that Abraham wasn’t any more special than other human beings except that he did trust God. The really special person was God and what makes us special is Him choosing us. That when we are God’s He gives us the ability to be faith heroes, not only in Bible times but now too.
Poles everywhere.
Today I went to the beach and swam for 4 hours and we played Marco Polo, and we played sharks and well we just had a lot of fun. Thank you Lord for making this happen. Thank you for the last few weeks of Obasi and letting me have fun! I’m very thankful. I’m gonna miss everybody in Obasi after Friday! Thank you again Lord!
Buried Kemonterious in the sand. This is the closest our kids have ever been to the Ocean, Pawnee Lake. In fact today Kemonterious asked if Nebraska is by the ocean. I said, Nebraska is about as far from the ocean a state can be. Maybe one day he will actually get to see a real ocean.
I had fun at the beach today. We swam for a long time. My buddy was Dominique and during buddy check I had to find Dominique and see that she was ok.
We had snack at the beach. It was yummy. I brought cupcakes for the 4th of July.
Gidget and Hailey swam with us.
I found rocks in the water. I gave them to other friends.
That’s all!
Making Sand Castles.
Kemonterious lets his hair down. It is usually braided, in four years this is the first time I have seen it down. His eyes are beautiful. When we went to a block party he was really embarrassed to have it down so he put it in a ponytail.
After the lake we were invited to my cousin Chucks block party. With live music and fire works. Jodene and Savanah relax while listening to music.
The kids were so excited to see our friend Meribeth, she tutors Savanah in the school year, but takes a break over summer so we hadn't seen her for a while.
Jada dances with Doug.
Then we talked about the fact that Abraham wasn’t any more special than other human beings except that he did trust God. The really special person was God and what makes us special is Him choosing us. That when we are God’s He gives us the ability to be faith heroes, not only in Bible times but now too.
There are so many fun things to do in the summer, but there is nothing better than being in Obasi. It was hard yesterday to move the Obasi family to a new location; we got to set up a awning for shade. But today I had a super duper fun going swimming in the Lake and having snack with the kids and Miss Brenda and Jodene.
Let me tell you about the fun things we did today and yesterday. Well yesterday we had to move Obasi not all of it but some. We were acting like Abram like when he had to move all his stuff and couldn’t go back. Then after wards we played a little bit of tag them most of us played last man standing.
Today we went swimming when we first got here we sat up the awning. We raced to see if we could do it faster than yesterday, our time was 7 minutes, 6 seconds. Then we got in the lake. The other girls were scared to get in the lake they thought it was icky but me and Savanah thought it was okay. She was my buddy we had to much fun I hope someday we can do this again. I was going under water fishing until Brenda told me to not do that. Then I just went under for 3 seconds like she told me. We had so much fun today. We had a lot of snack too.
Today we went swimming when we first got here we sat up the awning. We raced to see if we could do it faster than yesterday, our time was 7 minutes, 6 seconds. Then we got in the lake. The other girls were scared to get in the lake they thought it was icky but me and Savanah thought it was okay. She was my buddy we had to much fun I hope someday we can do this again. I was going under water fishing until Brenda told me to not do that. Then I just went under for 3 seconds like she told me. We had so much fun today. We had a lot of snack too.
We had snack at the beach. It was yummy. I brought cupcakes for the 4th of July.
Gidget and Hailey swam with us.
I found rocks in the water. I gave them to other friends.
That’s all!
On Monday I ran with the whole North Star Cross Country Team. The coaches were fantastic and they are nice too. I usually run a mile, but when I run with them they make me fast. And I run 2 or 3 miles. Now I’m in better shape so that I can sign up for races.
He also got to run with the Waverly Cross Country team on Thursday. Thank you coach Jackie for inviting Kemonterious to run with you. I don't think he understands how blessed he is to have so many people who want to help him become a great runner.
Other Journal entries:
Write about a time when you had a hard time believing or trusting God.
When I was in school I told Miss Brenda I was moving to California and she said it will be alright just pray to God . He will know what to do. I prayed and we didn’t go. Thanks God.
I really don’t think I have a hard time believing in God. Because I know that God is always doing to be there even if I let Him go (which I won’t). It’s like that verse I will never leave you or forsake you. I trust God. He is always going to be there for me sitting right there beside me just like we were best buds.
Sometimes I have a hard time believing that I’m going to be a champion.
I have the same thing about trusting too.
When I was in school I told Miss Brenda I was moving to California and she said it will be alright just pray to God . He will know what to do. I prayed and we didn’t go. Thanks God.
I really don’t think I have a hard time believing in God. Because I know that God is always doing to be there even if I let Him go (which I won’t). It’s like that verse I will never leave you or forsake you. I trust God. He is always going to be there for me sitting right there beside me just like we were best buds.
Sometimes I have a hard time believing that I’m going to be a champion.
I have the same thing about trusting too.
Write a note to God thanking Him for choosing you.
Dear God thanks for choosing me. Thanks for letting me in the family tree. Thanks for helping me when I’m down and most importantly thanks for being my God. Thanks for choosing me you mean so much to me I would give up my arm for you.
God thank you for choosing me and my family and thank you for being awesome. You are the King, You made everyone and you’re the one who made Adam and Eve.
God you are so awesome. Your “mind blowing”. To choose me and everyone else, but you gave up your son to die for my sins. I don’t think I would be able to do that but God that shows how much you love us and how strong and powerful you are God. I just want to say thank you for having the power and strength to have your son on the cross for my sins. That is the #1 sacrifice. Thank you God for sacrificing your son and choosing me.
God do you remember when I was not in Obasi when I was a thug. Like when I stold, smoked cigarettes . Thank you for getting me into this program.
Thank you for waking me up in the morning every day so that I can have great days. Thank you for my family. I know that they have done bad things but they are learning from it. And Brenda she’s the best thing that ever happened to me, she‘s the most loving, caring and supporting person too.
Dear God thanks for choosing me. Thanks for letting me in the family tree. Thanks for helping me when I’m down and most importantly thanks for being my God. Thanks for choosing me you mean so much to me I would give up my arm for you.
God thank you for choosing me and my family and thank you for being awesome. You are the King, You made everyone and you’re the one who made Adam and Eve.
God you are so awesome. Your “mind blowing”. To choose me and everyone else, but you gave up your son to die for my sins. I don’t think I would be able to do that but God that shows how much you love us and how strong and powerful you are God. I just want to say thank you for having the power and strength to have your son on the cross for my sins. That is the #1 sacrifice. Thank you God for sacrificing your son and choosing me.
God do you remember when I was not in Obasi when I was a thug. Like when I stold, smoked cigarettes . Thank you for getting me into this program.
Thank you for waking me up in the morning every day so that I can have great days. Thank you for my family. I know that they have done bad things but they are learning from it. And Brenda she’s the best thing that ever happened to me, she‘s the most loving, caring and supporting person too.
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