The kids wrote their own puppet skit this week about disobeying Mom and Chocolate cake. They tried it out on us, it was really good.
Laura Mach has been doing a great job of incorporating creative snacks with our weekly lesson. This week she reminded us that for Noah to Obey God he must of really trusted God. So she said this week I am going to blindfold you and give you different food items. Do you trust me to give you items that will make a good snack. Iyisha says I trust you Laura you always give us great snacks. So they were blindfolded and she handed out some blue whip cream ( for the ocean) a banana for the ark, so pudding, animal crackers and gummy animals. The kids took off their blindfolds and ate their delicious snacks. Then at the other end of the table Laura’s daughter Jessie was sitting with a bowl of scraps and a disappointed look on her face. Laura reminded us that Satan wants us to trust him to, a lot of times he makes some big promises just like God. Except God keeps his promises and Satan hands us a bowl of scraps that we can’t eat.
Three Dog Day.
While at Mrs. B's the kids got to try out the trampoline.
Mrs. B even showed us a trick or two. You go Girl!
Iyisha catches a fish.
Dominique was quite the trooper, catching a lot of fish and helping us when our lines got snagged on rocks.
Savanah came for a while and got her very first fish ever.
Savanah, Dez and Icky after Icky shows off his rocket at Bright Lights Rocket Class. He had a BLAST. Several blasts actually.
Savanah gets her award at Bright Lights cooking class. Dez, and Jameca went also and they cooked up some great foods and brought home a wonderful cookbook so in the future they can whip up some snacks for us.
Thank you so much for the scholarships so that four of our kids could come to your program. They had so much fun and learned a lot too.
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