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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Monday, March 12th 2007

Standing with President Lincoln in front of our Capitol building.

This week is Spring Break for our kids. It has been a very intense first half of school so we welcome the break from books to go and do some fun things with the kids. It is a great time to reconnect on a more relaxed atmosphere. We are learning, just in a different way.
We started the day out with a devotion.
“And He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24.
We talked about how Jesus died on the cross for our sins, what it means to be a believer. I asked them what can you do when your body is dead? They looked at me and laughed- nothing. So we talked about what it means being dead to sin. How that part of our life should be over. We then talked about what it meant to live in righteousness, to live for Christ. Something we all are trying to work on.
Our field trip included the Capitol, the Noyes gallery, exploring the Hay Market, the Burkholder project, Ivanna Cone and Ten Thousand Villages.
My favorite part of the day was when we were at the top of the Capitol. They have about 8 huge paintings on the top of the wall. They depict different parts of Nebraska history, times when people made a difference by giving to others. One of the pictures is in a hospital and there is a young black man who is dressed in a lab coat taking care of a child.
Pierrie looks up and says, “there I am, that is me someday.” Pierrie is thinking about going into Radiology. It is pretty exciting stuff, especially when less than a year ago when you would ask him what he wants to do or be, he would just shrug his shoulders with a blank look at his face. This time his face was beaming with pride, confidence and determination.
These days I am really enjoying Pierrie who is our oldest and Teijah who is our youngest. They both see the world in very different ways but both are very insightful. Pierrie is looking to the future, while the lessons of the past are starting to make sense to him. We don’t look so foolish to him. And Teijah is always finding the spiritually lesson in everything reminding us that God is still here and at work. She has the same determination, confidence in God that Pierrie has about his future.
It was a wonderful day.
Miss Brenda

On top of the world, well at least the Capitol anyway.
Today we went to art galleries, the State Capitol, art galleries and to the store Ten Thousand Villages. At the State Capitol, we looked out on the view. We saw people, cars and houses. They looked really tiny.
Alexis- age 10

Pierrie's Dream
On Monday we went on a field trip to go see art. We went to the State Capitol and to two art galleries the NOYES and the Burkholder Project. At the Capitol we went all the way to the top and we got to see the view of the whole city, it was awesome.
We got to see a lot of different paintings and stuff like that. My favorite was in the NOYES gallery. There were 3 really cool pairs of jeans that went together, they had painted designs on them.
Then we went out for snack at Ivanna Cone. Their ice cream is so good. I got marshmallow with little pieces of rice krispies in it. It was so good.
Pierrie- age 15

My favorite thing at the State Capitol was the paintings and the view of the outside; we got to look at the whole town.
My favorite art was the gator chair, the paintings and a chair that looked like a violin and the wire sculptures.
Shay- age 10

What I liked about the Capitol was when we went all the way up to look down.
At the NOYES gallery liked those things that look like gears and the table made out of gears. And I liked the ice cream.
LaMario- age 11

Our favorite Mosiac in Lincoln, outside on the steps of the Burkholder Project.

My favorite thing was when we went to the Noyes Art Gallery, because they can make some cool things. My favorite thing was the face sculptures because they were funny faces and had hair that was big and wiggly.
Kemonterious- age 10

Our favorite bench in Lincoln.
My favorite thing that happened today was at the Capitol. All the art had something like water, fire, air/wind and nature. I thought that I really didn’t like art but I liked this kind of art. At the NOYES gallery, downstairs in the basement I liked the three snakes dancing under the sun.
Dezhanay- age 11

My favorite thing was seeing the pepper head at the art center. At the Capitol building we went up and down on the elevators and looked over the edge to see all of Lincoln. The ice cream I had was marshmallow. When I ate it I got really cold, but it was really good. I had a lot of fun.
Teijah- age 6

The perfect way to end the day. Eating homemade ice cream.
Thanks Sean for going on our field trip with us, we had a lot of fun with you.


jan bretz said...

Looks like you guys had a terrific spring break!I like what you wrote.

* said...

art is the way you see the world, i can't wait to see what you all do this summer.