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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

We have been learning a lot about money. It's history, how it is made, bartering, working, saving, budgeting etc. We don't go to movies very often but we heard of one called The Ultimate Gift-that deals with an inheritance and character building. After checking out the website we decided we really wanted the kids to see it. Before going we talked about what an inheritance is, how you get one, who gives one, etc.

This inheritance is difference because the Grandpa leaves an inheritance to one of his grandson's who is really spoiled and living off of other peoples money. But before he can get this inheritance he has to accomplish 12 task. Each task gives it's own gift.

The twelve gifts are:
The Gift of Work
The Gift of Friends
The Gift of Dreams
The Gift of Giving
The Gift of Love
The Gift of Problems
The Gift of Gratitude
The Gift of Money
The Gift of A Day
The Gift of Learning
The Gift of Laughter
The Gift of Family

It is a great family movie, their is a little violence when he is captured in Equador, other than that is a film you can take the whole family and not worry about what is going to happen next. It was a little over the head of our 6 year old, but she was still able to glean a lesson.

The movie is only showing at East Park, and you can get discount tickets at Family Christian Book Store for $5.50.

There are also study guides at their Website- http://www.theultimategift.com/home.php?cid=4294967295&cat=home

I give it two thumbs up.
Miss Brenda

What we learned from the movie:
To be a better person is more important than how much money you have.
Pierrie-age 15

Learn from the troubles you have.
Kemonterious- age 10

Life is about how you live it, not about how you spend it !
Dez-age 11

At the beginning of the movie Jason was sad and being bad. At the end of the movie he was happy. Little girl was a new friend. Mother of the girl made him happy and when he found out what happened to his father, he gave all his money away.
Teijah-age 6

Learn to control your money instead of waste it on bad things.
Shae- age 10